Math Vision

  • Students engage in relevant instruction to gain a deep understanding of math concepts through multiple learning strategies, approaches, and opportunities
  • Regular formative assessments guide instruction
  • Students perseverance is fostered and risk-taking is actively encouraged in a safe learning environment
  • Teachers collaborate in formal and informal settings, modeling for students how to depend understanding through working together

Gifted & Talented Education (GATE)

School Gardens

David Lubin’s three gardens enhance your child’s education, adding hands-on learning to their science education and a peaceful oasis to their day.

  • The charming alphabetical “kinder-garden” introduces young children to garden sciences and reinforces everyday learning such as reading.
  • Your child will continue to experience garden science through classroom gardens, where the children and their teachers grow variety of flowers and vegetables to see the growth processes while measuring and studying the process.
  • The Peace Garden is a unique and beautiful space where your child can step out of the surrounding bustle of the playground to explore and experience nature. A kaleidoscope of trees, perennial plants, annual flowers and bulbs create quiet, shady spaces filled with textures and colors that change with the seasons.

Field Trips

With an eye to your child’s future, offsite field trips not only reinforce and enhance classroom learning, but expand their understanding of career opportunities and foster interest in scientific inquiry and art. Our fifth graders, for instance, spend a day at the Lawrence Hall of Science in Berkeley; fourth graders dress up in period clothing, learn period skills and spend the night at Sutter’s Fort, third graders attend a play at B Street Theater; and second graders explore the Yolo Wetlands.

Field trips are supported by the Parent Teacher Group (PTG) and the principal, staff and teachers.