Our Gift Wrap Fundraiser with Charleston Wrap has started! The three classes who sell the most between now and October 3 will win a popsicle party. The fundraiser will continue through December 2nd, but any sales made after October 3rd will not count towards the popsicle party. All proceeds from this fundraiser go on to support in class Art, Music and STEAM enrichment at David Lubin!

How does it work?  Simply put, we’re asking you to reach out to your friends and family to shop for products in our online fundraising catalog.

Step 1: Register at registercw.com with Organization ID 11550.

Step 2: Add your student(s)

Step 3: Share your student’s link via email or social media or text.

Each student or family will have a unique link to the catalog to ensure the sales are credited to you. You can set up one link for families with multiple students. Orders placed online will be delivered directly to our shoppers!  

Please contact lubinptg@gmail.com with questions.  Thank you for your support!